Examples of Workflows
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Examples of Workflows

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Article Summary

Case: Ensure new people are followed up.

When a person joins your organisation, you need to ensure they are connected to you. This process will be different for each organisation, however here's an example: you need to send a new person a welcome email saying you will be in touch and add them to a list of people to be personally contacted. Once they have been contacted you may want to add them to another list for follow up e.g. wants to volunteer, or set a status on their profile to say they are now an active member.

So, first, identify the trigger. This will be when you add the person to infoodle.

Steps to follow:

  1. Send the welcome email to the affected person. Do this as soon as they are added.
  2. Add to the work queue 'Follow up new people'. The group or person responsible for this queue will be your integration person (or people). Do this as soon as they are added.
  3. The next step needs to wait until the person has completed the follow up step (b), therefore the setting in infoodle needs to be 'after previous step is completed'.
  4. Add to the work queue 'What volunteer opportunity' that is managed by your volunteer coordinator.
  5. Change person field 'member' to 'active'.

Case: When a person dies - follow up a year later.

This scenario means you want to automatically add a ToDo for your pastoral team to follow up on a year after the person has died. This gives you a chance to contact the family.

So, first, identify the trigger. This will be when the date of death is set.

Steps to follow:

  1. Add a To Do for the pastoral team to do after a year. The person who died will have the To Do associated with them. It's OK if they are archived as the To Do will still be reported.

Case: Follow through a series of courses.

This scenario means that you have perhaps 6 courses to complete. When a person joins, they could be joined to the first course. Once they have completed the first course, they will be taken to the next course.

There are two ways of solving this depending on your needs.

Version 1. Groups

Here you would create a workflow for each of the 6 groups. The trigger would be when they are removed from one of the groups, they are added to the next group. If they can start at any group you could get into a loop where people keep being moved between the groups, so you will need to be careful with that. Remember that by default the user can choose whether they want to run the workflow or not. If they have to start at course 1 and go through to 6 its easier, because you can set a workflow up for each of the groups except the last one.

Version 2. Work Queues

Here you create a single workflow. The trigger to start this workflow could be being added to a group called 'Attending courses' or maybe a custom field value is set to 'on a course'. This will then add the person to a workqueue. The workflow would contain all 6 courses. When a person has completed a course you can choose which course (work queue) they are to go into next.

Case: You want to integrate with mailchimp.

Mailchimp provides a broadcast system for emails. You have to create your own account and lists directly with mailchimp. Once done you want to ensure that changes to infoodle are used to keep the mailchimp data up to date.

There are two triggers:

  1. is when you add, edit or delete an active email address to an existing person on infoodle.
  2. is when you add a new person who has an active email address.

Steps are to 'update mailchimp'.

This single step will tell infoodle to check the persons email address information and pass the name and email addresses to mailchimp, subscribing them to the list you choose. You can also choose if you want the person to receive a 'confirm subscription' message from mailchimp when you add them.


To receive changes from Mailchimp, you can follow the steps described here.

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