infoodle and Mailchimp
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infoodle and Mailchimp

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Article Summary

If you currently use Mailchimp to send your emails you can integrate the Mailchimp lists and Campaign email Templates from within infoodle.

You need to ensure that the people you are emailing from infoodle re included in a Mailchimp list.

When sending a Mailchimp email from infoodle, infoodle will endeavour to pass the following fields to Mailchimp:

FNAME - first name
LNAME - last name
ARCHIVE - {site_view_url} tag
EMAIL - email address
UNSUB - the infoodle unsubscribe link
UPDATE_PROFILE - the infoodle email preferences link
LIST:ADDRESSLINE - the organisation address line setup in the infoodle Administration > System screen

When using these fields in your Mailchimp templete, ensure that the field is displayed similar to:



  1. Within Mailchimp create a list to contain the email addresses to be managed by infoodle. For infomration from Mailchimp on how to do this, see: Mailchimp - create an audience

  2. If you wish to load the existing data you already have into Mailchimp, you need to maually export it from infoodle to Mailchimp. This provides you with the ption of specifing those people you want to include in your Mailchimp list.

Proceed as follows:

In infoodle

  • Generate a report that includes the people you want to import into Mailchimp. Select the Report > Select fields tab and Customise the list option, and select the following fields:

    • Firstname,
    • Lastname and
    • Email address (pref).

Generate these results and save as a CSV file.

In Mailchimp

  • Select Lists, and at the far right of the displayed lists, you'll see a drop-down arrow, select this, then select Import.
  • You are now presented with a list of places you can import the data from. Select Import from a CSV or TXT file. Select the file you produced as a CSV.
  • This should fill your list with the people you need. You can now proceed to set your infoodle to push any changes through to Mailchimp.
  • You need to generate a key that allows infoodle to access your mailchimp account. The Mailchimp help in formation is found here: Finding or generating your API key
  1. If you have people and email addresses in infoodle, it would be worth importing your current list to Mailchimp. The process for doing this is found here: Import contacts into Mailchimp.

Having completed these steps, you now need to connect infoodle to Mailchimp.

  1. On the Navigation bar/menu, select Administration

2.Select System

  1. Select Mailchimp and on the right paste the key you created above into the box provided and press Save.

infoodle is now connected to Mailchimp. You now need to instruct infoodle to update mailchimp when an email address is changed. You do this with workflow.

Updating Mailchimp from infoodle

If you need to update Mailchimp contact data from infoodle, see: Update Mailchimp from infoodle.

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