Stock Items on Forms
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Stock Items on Forms

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Article summary

A stock or non-stock item can be sold via a form. For example: books, t-shirts, event tickets.

For more information on adding new stocks item to infoodle, see Adding a stock item.

Before you can add stock items to a form, you first need to add stock items to infoodle.

Adding a paid item field is done the same way as any other form field by dragging and dropping the field into the Build form area. When adding a paid stock item to a form there are several fields available to configure:


  1. Label - appears on the left (or above if you choose full width) and describes this specific stock item. This is optional.

  2. Help message - a message that appears once the displayed question mark is selected (as per normal).

  3. Mandatory - a value must be entered into the quantity field.

  4. Only on papproval form - if you select Yes this won't appear to the user completing the form - only when you are approving or processing a form entry.

  5. Default value - the number of items to default to.

  6. Stock item - this is a list of all the available stock items loaded into the stock item maintenance screen.

  7. Maximum purchase quantity - this instructs infoodle to validate how many items the person can purchase each time they come to this form. It works as follows:

    If you enter a number into this option, for example five, the user can only purchase up to 5 items. There's nothing stopping them from coming back to this form and purchasing a further five.

    However, if you enter zero infoodle performs further checking:

    • It checks the current stock on the item record. If less than, or zero, the purchase cannot proceed
    • For the specified stock item, it records;
      • the number of sales (see the stock list screen to see this)
      • any form entries on any form yet to be approved that have been either paid for by credit card and the payment went through successfully
      • any form entries on any form yet to be approved that have been manually paid for
    • infoodle then subtracts these amounts from the current stock. If what remains is zero (or less) the purchase cannot proceed.

  8. Show headings - these stock items fields are assumed to need (though not required) to have multiple items available on a form. In order to show them as a list, you only need the headings the first stock item. The headings are Quantity, Price and Total. For another stock item to be shown immediately below this one, choose No.

  9. Full width - this will use the full width of the form rather than to the right of the 'label'. The 'label' is moved above.

  10. Show available stock when stock less than - enter a number here. When the stock amount is less than this number then a message is shown to the user showing how many are available. Leaving it blank will ensure its not shown.

If you have multiple stock items, or other amount fields, it's a good idea to include the Total amount field on the form as well.

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