Adding a Youtube Live Stream
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Adding a Youtube Live Stream

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Article Summary

How to add a Youtube Live Stream to your app

A live stream is a very popular mechanism for broadcasting meetings and events, but there is a challenge for repeating events, that is to determine a static link to connect your users to rather than having to send out a new link each time you run the event.

There is an article available here from TechSwift which provides the instructions on how to do it:

Essentially, you need to get your Channel ID.

You can then add that channel ID into this link
For instance, with a channel ID of UCC3kjpFOUh64-0Og52YLzAQ

You will have a link like this:

Note the /live on the end.

This link will take you to the whole youtube page for your live link, including the comments etc. This isnt an ideal experience when using a phone for livestreaming, you just want the video.

So you can use this instead:

This is just the video stream.

Once the stream has started, the user can watch and listen, pause,etc. They can also cast it to an Apple AirPlay if available.

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