Administrator Getting Started
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Administrator Getting Started

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Article Summary

As an infoodle Database Administrator, there will be a number of settings you can configure that control the way your infoodle Database looks, behaves, and how people access this information - and WHO can access this information.

Key Administration Settings

There is a lot of configuration and fine-tuning that is possible within infoodle to make it truly 'yours'. With time, you can explore this more advanced settings, but for now here is a list of key features & settings that you should be aware of or set up initially:

Custom Fields

The Custom Fields section allows you to add, edit, and delete Fields that are used for storing data against People, Households & Organisations in your infoodle CRM. This could be data like "First Aid Certification Date", "Education Level", "Vaccination Status", or "Diabetes Type". Any data you are needing to store that is unique to you and your organisation.


Roles in infoodle allow you to control who can actually log into infoodle - and once logged it, what that they actually see and do. There are a lot of 'global permissions' that you can set and control because keeping your data secure and safe is extremely important. You can create more than one infoodle Role as well so that different groups of people get different levels of access. Examples of Roles in infoodle could be:

Administrator - Main infoodle admin with full access
Finance/Treasurer - Access to people and financial sections
HR - Access to most areas
Junior Staff/Volunteer/Intern - Basic access to view a restricted set of people, and limited access as to what they can update)
Comms/Marketing - Access to the Email, and communications areas

System Setup

The System Setup section is where you will find a number of common settings that you likely need only set once when you first start out with infoodle, and not need to change again. This settings are things like adding your Logo, Time & Date formatting, and information relating to your organisation like its name, address, etc.

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