Login Settings
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Login Settings

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Article Summary

For Login Security, it is possible to enforce a Minimum Password Length for all users, as well as require all users to setup and use Two Factor Authentication

These settings are accessed via Administration > Roles > Login Settings.


Login Settings

Enforce Two Factor Authentication - 2FA

Specify the date that you want to start enforcing Two Factor Authentication for all users:


Once this date has been set, any user that have not yet set up Two Factor authentication will receive the following warning each time they log into infoodle.


Note: The date in the message will reflect the date of enforcement selected.

Once this date has been reached, any users without Two Factor Authentication set up will be notified with the message below as soon as they log into infoodle:


Selecting the setup link will take the user to their Account Settings page so that they can enable Two Factor Authentication. They will be prevented from accessing any other part of infoodle until this setup is completed.

For more information on the setup process, see Two Factor Authentication

Enforce Minimum Password Length

When it comes to login security, a longer password is typically more secure that a shorter one. This setting can be used to specify the minimum number of characters that are required when a user chooses a password.
Login Settings.png

In most environments, an eight-character password is recommended because it's long enough to provide adequate security and still short enough for users to easily remember.

Other commonly recommended characteristics for creating strong passwords are:

  • Using a mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Using both letters and numbers
  • Including at least one special character, e.g., ! @ # ?

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