Adding a Household/Organisation
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Adding a Household/Organisation

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Article Summary

Households/Organisations help sort people into collections based on their living arrangements or affiliations. It is important to note that Households/Organisations are not the same as Groups.

  1. Click + on the Dashboard and select Add Person or Organisation.
  2. When adding a household or organisation you may or may not have a known contact. If you do have a known contact then continue with the steps below. If you do not have a known contact then simply click This is an organisation - the contact is unknown. No firstname and lastname will be required to be entered and you will notice that the image icon will be changed to an organisation icon. NOTE: You can convert the organisation to a person contact or the person to an organisation at a later stage if you need to.
  3. Fill in all the contact details for the person, household or organisation.
  4. Click the + button next to the Persons or organisation name to add another person at the same organisation


or click


  1. When Adding a Person, any person added in a session is added to the same Household/Organisation.
  2. Click the Address button to add address details.
  3. Click Save.
  4. To add another member to the same household at a later date - under the Household Details section or People in this Organisation section click Add New Member.


  1. To move people from an existing Household/Organisation to a new one, use the Address section. See here for more details.

Infoodle provides Custom Fields to establish relationships between Household/Organisation members. See the help pages on Custom Fields for more information.

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