Adding Recurring Payments to a Form
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Adding Recurring Payments to a Form

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Article Summary

Here's how to add a Recurring Payment option to a form:

  1. Create Payment Method options so your donor or supporter can use to pay. Examples of payment methods include: automatic or direct payment from the user's bank, credit card or direct credit, or the user could enter text specifying their preference

See Payment Methods and Set Up for more information

  1. Ensure that the Payments > Pay/Donate method field has been added to the form and that all payment options are available for selection.

See Payment Fields for more information

  1. From the Payments section, drag across the Recurring period field onto your form. This field will allow the user to select how often they want to set the regular payment and is the field that will automatically create a pledge in infoodle.

    This field is necessary to add to the form whether they pay by regular card payments (gocardless, eWay, Stripe or Ezidebit) or when they set up their own automatic payment.


If the recurring period of One time is selected, and the option First payment date selected, the first payment date is shown (with the label changed to Payment date) so the user can choose when the one-off payment is taken.

For those who are running a specific campaign for pledges over a specific period, its necessary to have an end date for when all pledge transactions must be completed by. You can now add a Last permitted date and Recurring period when building the form. This stops the user from entering an end date after the one specified.
Also, when creating the pledge, the last date is used regardless of whether an end date is set by the user or not.

Remember, a pledge is not actual giving but a promise to give. To keep track of their promise verses their actual giving, you can look at the Recurring Donor Analysis report to see how they are keeping up.

For more information, see:

A few important notes about pledges and forms:

  • Pledge records are created when the user submits the form (that is, not at approval time).
  • After the form is completed, but before it is approved, the request for payment no longer requires a form to be approved in order to request payment.
  • Recurring Stripe payments now record the charge succeed or fail against the form, each time.

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