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Payment Methods and Set Up
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Payment Methods
infoodle supports payments through Payment Gateways and non-credit card methods.
Payment Gateways
infoodle is integrated with a number of Payment Gateways to enable you to capture payments while people are on a form. The form data is passed to infoodle in the normal way, with the payment data added being dependant on which gateway you are using.
In order to use a payment gateway you need to establish your own relationship with a company of your choice.
We currently support the following Payment Gateways:
- eWay - www.eway.io
- flo2cash - www.flo2cash.com
- Windcave (used to be called DPS and Payment Express) - https://www.windcave.com
- PayPal now Braintree - www.braintreepayments.com
- Stripe - stripe.com - Can optionally enable Apple Pay and Google Pay
- POLi - www.polipayments.com - Australia and New Zealand only
- Ezidebit - www.ezidebit.com
- GoCardless - gocardless.com
In each case we have taken care to ensure you need to perform the minimum configuration for ease of use.
For information about adding a payment gateway, see Adding Payment Gateways
Non-credit card payments
infoodle supports the following methods of bank or manual non-credit card payments:
- Cheque
- Direct credit
- Free text
For further information see Adding non-credit card methods