Examples of Common Form Types
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Examples of Common Form Types

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Article Summary

With the Form Builder in infoodle, you have the ability to create many different types of Forms to cover a wide variety of purposes.

In this section we have provided some links to Example forms from our infoodle Demo site, and highlighted some specific fields that have been used in each.

Contact Us Form

Click Here to see an example of a form used to allow people to get in touch with your organisation, such as one that might be included on a "Contact Us" Page on your website.
Contact Us Example.png

Here we have used a Notes field (Note Regarding the Person) where the submitter can enter multiple lines of Text. This will be added as a Note to their profile when the form entry is approved.

Donation Form

Click Here to see an example of a Basic Donation form. A form such as this might be added to your Website for people to access, but could also be sent out via email, or shared to social media using the Public Link

This form uses the following Payment Fields
1. Amount - Specify how much they want to Donate
2. Payment Method - Select how they wish to pay
3. Total amount - The Sum Total due to be paid
4. reCAPTCHA - For security we have enabled reCAPTCHA in Form Settings

Donation Example.png

Registration Form/Newsletter Signup

Click Here to see an example of a form that could be used to register a new person such as a donor or community/congregation member, while also allowing them to sign up to receive newsletters.

Rather than just use a List field, we have use a Group field here to list the 3 Groups that we use for sending out our Newsletters to recipients. This saves time as the person is automatically added to the selected groups when we approve the form.
Registration Example.png

Booking Attendance

Click Here if you are wanting to set up a form that can be used to Book Attendance for an event, and be able to include limitations on available spaces.

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