Person Safe ID
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Person Safe ID

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Article summary

The Person Safe ID field is used on a form to enable you to update existing contact record data and works in a similar way to the infoodle Unique ID field.

Using this field on a form allows you to send a unique form link to a contact via the infoodle email system, including the {personIDsafe} merge field. The emailed link is limited to 30 days to ensure security.

It allows you to show the user the name/address/organization name from the database in order that they can confirm they are filling in the form correctly and what data you hold for them (its only name and address we show currently).

This then forces the approval screen to recognize the form entry is working with that specific contact, rather than allowing a search for others.

This field can not be used to create new records. If the call is made to the form incorrectly you will not be able to approve the form (although the user can complete it).

Creating a link to this form

The purpose is to update the data of an existing contact record, therefore you need to include the records ID in the link to the form.

When sending out an email to the contact - you can construct a link by entering the following:{personIDsafe}

The details prior to the &uid portion is what you get from the Publish tab when building a form. Make sure you include all the letters &uid={personIDsafe} exactly as its written here, or it wont work!

If using additional Merge Fields in the link, ensure that &uid={personIDsafe} is added last. E.g.{first_name}&f2={last_name}&uid={personIDsafe}

When the user clicks the link - infoodle 'knows' that this is for infoodle unique ID 21 (assuming you have placed this field on the form somewhere!)

If you use the name version for the form link, for example,

You should add a uid starting with a ? not a &{person ID}

What the user sees

The users don't see this field or its data on the screen and they can't edit it or change it. infoodle validates the Person Safe ID to make sure its present and should match a record in your database If they adjusted the link in some way or if there is a problem, an error is shown to the user.

What the approver sees

When approving the form, you will see the unique ID that was used. This can't be edited.

When looking at the form entry details, you are shown the matching record details. You are not shown any other matches, and you dont have the opportunity to match it to any other contact, other than the one identified by the unique ID field data.

What other data fields can I include on the form?

The rest of the form process works as normal. You can include any other fields on the form that you want to capture - you just now know which user it applies to.

Can I add other data from the database on to the link?

Yes - you can include any text fields e.g. name or address data along with the {Person ID} data when you send out the email. You do this with the standard personalisation process.

For more information, see Adding data to a form - advanced usage.

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