Searching for a Note
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Searching for a Note

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Article summary

infoodle allows you to search for notes relating to People or Households/Organisations using a couple of different methods. The method you choose will depend on whether you want to view the notes in order to edit a person's profile or export/print them.

1. Search Note

  1. Click People & Households or People & Organisations on the Navigation bar.
  2. Click on Search Notes.
  3. Click the Add criteria button and select the items to filter for your search.
  4. Click the Generate button. The data will now appear in the area below the search options. Output includes: the person and contact details, with the note on the right, with one line per person.

If you select a line you can edit the person's profile while the search results continue to be displayed.


2. Report - People-notes
A similar but alternative method is to generate a report based on notes. To do this see: Reporting on Notes.


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