Transactions Included in a Gift Aid Claim
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    Transactions Included in a Gift Aid Claim

    Article summary

    When preparing a gift aid claim you only specify the period of the claim - infoodle will include the transactions that are included based on the following criteria.

    For any transaction in the database that has not yet been claimed for Gift Aid on an infoodle Gift Aid claim:

    1. Does the date of the transaction fall in the requested period?
    • Is the transaction using an account code that is marked as "Tax Reclaimable" in the infoodle Account Codes screen?

    • Has the individual connected to this transaction got a Gift Aid approval record which includes these dates (see later for more info)?

    1. Is the date of the transaction earlier than the requested period?
    • Is the transaction using an account code that is marked as "Tax Reclaimable" in the infoodle Account Codes screen?

    • Has the individual connected to this transaction got a Gift Aid approval record which includes these dates (see later for more info)?

    When checking dates of a persons Gift Aid approval, infoodle uses the following rules.

    1. Does the transaction date fall on or between the start and end date of the approval?
    • or Is the transaction date within the last 4 financial years of the organisation?

    • 2.1 and Is the transaction date more recent than the historic date of the persons approval?

    The three important approval dates to record:

    • Start of approval (can be blank which means there is no start to this approval - subject to the historic date)

    • End of approval (can be blank which means there is no end to this approval)

    • Historic date (how far back can infoodle look to find transactions to include in a claim. If blank then the last 4 financial years are used).

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