Using the Directory
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Using the Directory

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Article summary

The directory on the infoodle app is a powerful feature designed to give you useful information. To use it, you will need to have been given a login by your administrator.

Searching for a contact
Using the search options of Name, Address, Email etc. you can search for people in a variety of ways. Tap the search method you need and then enter the text you want to search for in the search box.

Contact profile screen
The profile screen includes an image which can be clicked to show it full screen.

Depending on your role - there are also tabs for -
Data: Show the custom fields with data

Note: Notes that you can see.

You can also edit or delete them based on your role and the permission of the notes.

You can add new notes by clicking the + at the bottom of the screen.

To Do: To Dos that you can see. You can complete To Dos from this screen also.

Thee dots menu (top right)


When this is available, based on your role, it provides for 2 additional menu items:

Workflow: You can provide workflow functions to users. To appear in this menu, a workflow must have the trigger of "Manually, from the Mobile App". In addition it must be available to any user, or any user who is full member/administrator of a specific group.

Note that the list of available workflows you can use is controlled by your site administrator.

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