Adding a Physical Item
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Adding a Physical Item

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Article Summary

Adding physical items to a collection in infoodle is easy. Just enter the name of the item, some details about it, maybe add QR and barcodes and the job's done! Let me show you how:

  1. Click Library on the Navigation bar/menu.
  2. Click the catalogue from the library you want to work with.
  3. From the catalogue page click on the collection you would like to add items to. i.e. Ride on toys.
  4. Click on the +Add new item to collection button.
  5. What type of item are you adding to this collection? Select Physical item.


  1. Type in the name of the item
  2. Item code - if the item has a code you can enter it here. If you would like to give the item a QR or barcode enter the number (or get next number) and then click on "Display as QR or barcode" You can then take a photo of this code and print to attach to the item.
  3. If the item is in your list of assets you can link them together.
  4. Enter how many similar items you have available?
  5. Type a description of the item if you wish and the author if it is a book.
  6. Upload a photo of the item if you wish.


  1. Finally click Save.

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