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Article Summary

Pushpay is an online payment system which enables you to receive donations and payments via mobile phones and credit cards. More information can be obtained from www.pushpay.com.

Part of their system enables you to export a file that is able to the be imported into infoodle.

To achieve this - you need to log into your administration area of pushpay, choose CSV as the file format and then choose export.

With the file now available on your computer - you can, if you wish, edit this file to provide two extra columns:

  • The Giving Number for the individual. If you know the number and its a better way of connecting the transaction to the individual concerned, then add this number.

  • The Account Number for each transaction. If you wish, you can enter the account number into its own column. These account numbers match those available in your system. If you supply these then infoodle won't need to ask you which ones you want to use.


If you intend to push this batch of transactions up to xero, once it is reconciled then ensure you are using codes that are available in xero.

Whether you edit this file or not, you are then able to import this into infoodle.

  1. Click 'Finance', 'Bank', 'Statement Import'.

  2. You are now asked to choose or create a batch to store these transaction into.

  3. Having achieved this - you choose a file, and ensure the format you choose is 'pushpay'.

  4. This presents to you the list of fields that will be imported. If required you can change the columns that the data is found. When you click 'import' these settings are saved ready for the next time you perform this import.

  5. Click 'Upload file to infoodle'. This will upload the file - and perform some validation on the file. If there are errors, infoodle will present them to you. This gives you the chance to edit the file or edit the column settings.

  6. Once done, click 'Upload file to infoodle' once again until no errors are reported.

  7. With no errors, you are presented a link to perform the import. This is when the data is written to the database.

  8. You are then presented with a link to 'reconcile' this batch. This takes you to the reconcile screen where you can process this batch.

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