Adding a New Role
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Adding a New Role

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Article summary

To be able to access infoodle, a user needs to be allocated a Role and a Login. A Role in this context is not nessessarily the Job Title someone has in your organisation, but rather the permissions to access information and features within your infoodle database.

Adding Role.png

How to Add a New Role:

  1. Select Administration from the Navigation Menu

  2. Click on Roles

  3. Click on Add

  4. Enter the new Role Name so you can identify it from other roles

  5. Enter the Purpose of the role so that you and any other staff (present or future) will know the intent of this Role's Permission set

  6. Select which permissions you want the user with this Role to have by ticking the appropriate checkboxes from the list

  7. Click Save

Video - User Role Permissions - Add Role (2:17)

Less is More!

There is a lot of control around permissions that you can set for Roles. Our recommendation is that if you are not sure if someone 'may need' a particular permission (or perhaps you are not sure what it does), then do not give that that permissions/access.

It is safer for your team to tell you they can't access something they need, and for you to fix this than to discover down the track you have giving too much access to individuals. Besides the potential exposure of priviledged information, removing access someone has had for a while can make them feel like 'you don't trust me!'.

Testing New Role Permissions:

We recommend that before you give a new user a login that you test the Role that you intend to give give them. You can do this by doing the below steps:

  1. Create a New Contact person as a test using your email address
    Eg. First name: Infoodle. Last name: Poodle

  2. Assign them the Role you with to test, and send the login details to yourself

  3. Log in with those details and test what you have access to.

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