Capturing Pass Expiry Dates
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Capturing Pass Expiry Dates

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Article summary

If you wish to capture and store the Expiry Dates of individuals' passes, then infoodle has a few options:

1. Manage it yourself.
This can be done using a custom field you create and simply manage it like any other custom field in respect to permissions and reporting. Ensure it is a date field. You may be capturing other data too.

2. Manage it yourself but make available to other infoodle features.
To ensure infoodle can use your expiry date, you need to inform infoodle that you are using it. Do this on the Administration -> Covid Features screen.
Enable the COVID features and select the field from the drop down available. You will still need a custom field but it will need to be a date field and associated with an individual.

3. Allow users to update it themselves.
We’ve incorporated the ability for users to scan their own pass.
Click here for more information on this.

This means users can scan their own valid pass and infoodle will update the field you specified.

Because the scan includes their date of birth, you can choose to capture and update this data too.

You can also enable a logged in person to update their family members. This means a parent can update their children's details when they don't have a login. Each person will need to present their own pass, of course.

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