- Welcome to infoodle!
- Getting Started with infoodle
- User Account Settings
- Dashboard
- What is the Dashboard?
- Adding a Widget
- Editing or Moving a Widget
- Removing a Widget
- Widgets
- The 'Groups' Widget
- The 'To Do' Widget
- The 'Calendar' Widget
- The 'Roster Confirmations' Widget
- The 'Birthday' Widget
- The 'Custom Field Anniversary' Widget
- The 'Queues' Widget
- The 'Added People' Widget
- The 'Recent Notes' Widget
- The 'Finance' Widget
- The 'Work Queues' Widget
- The 'Recent Form Entries' Widget
- The infoodle Menu
- The updated infoodle Menu
- Default Data Fields
- Common Tasks in infoodle
- infoodle Updates
- Administration
- Administrator Getting Started
- VIDEO: Basic Administrators Training
- Packages and Views
- Billing - changing users or features
- Upgrade My Plan
- Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Settings
- Roles
- System Setup
- Payment Methods and Set Up Updated
- Label Formats
- Custom Fields
- Profile Layout
- School Year
- Site Statistics
- Workflows
- Identifying Duplicate Contacts
- Migrating from Other Systems
- Tags
- Import Data
- Default Data Fields
- Preparing Import Data
- Country Codes
- Person/Contact Identifiers
- Household/Organisation Identifiers
- Starting your Import
- Configuring Data Fields
- Configuring Import Settings
- Check and Run the Import
- Importing Notes New
- Importing Pledges
- Saving your data file using the UTF-8 Character Set
- COVID Functions
- COVID Configuration
- Configuration Options
- Options Checklist
- Setting the My Vaccine Pass Required status of an event
- Showing Events as ‘My Vaccine Pass Required’ or Not on the Web
- Showing Events as ‘My Vaccine Pass Required’ or Not on the App
- Running a ‘My Vaccine Pass’ Required Event
- Capturing Pass Expiry Dates
- Scanning My Vaccine Pass
- Adding Covid Pass Expiry Dates to Check-in and App
- People
- Adding a Person
- Editing a Person
- Searching for a Person
- Archiving a Person
- Deleting a Person
- Converting an Organisation to a Person Contact or Vice Versa
- People and Reports
- Exporting a Person's Details
- People Function Menu
- One Person in Multiple Households/Organisations
- People and Advanced Search
- Addresses
- Adding a Person to a Group
- Photos
- Files
- Appointments
- Birthdays
- Guardians
- Private and Visible Settings
- Labels
- Email Purpose
- Email status
- Person Audit Trail
- Confirmed Contact Details
- What is an organisation contact
- Processing a Deceased Person Profile
- Notes
- To Do's - Task Reminders
- Household / Organisation
- Exporting a Household/Organisation's details
- Households/Organisations and Advanced Search
- How People Are Ordered in a Household/Organisation
- How infoodle Contacts a Household/Organisation
- Adding a Household/Organisation
- Editing a Household/Organisation
- Reporting a Household/Organisation's Details
- Adding a Person to a Household/Organisation
- Deleting a Household
- How infoodle Calculates a Household/Organisation
- Moving a Household/Organisation to a new address
- Organisation View
- Splitting or Combining Households/Organisations
- Searching for a Household/Organisation
- Groups
- About Groups
- VIDEO: Groups - An In-Depth Training
- Adding a Group
- Subgroups
- Editing a Group
- Deleting a Group
- Adding a Person to a Group
- Removing a Person from a Group
- Group Permissions
- Searching for a Group
- Moving Groups
- Moving Members of a Group to a New Group
- Group Settings
- Reporting a Group's Details
- Exporting Group and Subgroup Details
- Groups and Advanced Search
- Hibernating and Expiring a Group
- Locked/Admin Groups
- Group Functions
- Team Skills
- Group Tasks
- Group Content
- Group Types and Fields
- Group Attendance
- Bulk Group Changes
- Sync Groups
- Group Custom Fields
- Volunteer Hours
- Contact
- Contact FAQ
- Emails
- Getting Started with infoodle Email
- Email Contact
- VIDEO: Email System Training
- Who will receive this email
- Email Methods
- Basic Email
- Email Designer
- infoodle Inbox
- Configuring your infoodle Email
- Recipient List Details
- Managing Email
- Failed Emails
- Unsubscribe and Email Preferences
- Mail Types
- infoodle and Mailchimp
- Verifying Domains
- Email Templates
- Sending Emails
- Email Merge Tags
- Why Did My Email Fail?
- Addressing a Combined Household Using Personalisations
- What Is "On Behalf of" ?
- Letters
- Texts
- Labels
- App Notifications
- Email or text from an individual's profile page
- Email or text from the group's pages
- Searching the History Tab
- Finance
- Recognising Income
- About Finance
- Getting Started with Finance
- Finance Terms
- Steps to Entering Data
- Year End Checklist
- Reconcile all batch transactions
- Auto Reconcile
- Managing Grants
- VIDEO: Finance - Full Training
- VIDEO: Basic Administrators Training
- Transactions
- Adding Individual Transactions
- Adding Bulk Transactions
- Adding a Collection of Transactions
- Adding "In Kind" Transactions
- Editing a Transaction
- Deleting a Transaction
- Splitting Transactions
- Showing Transactions
- Searching for a transaction or transaction status
- Moving Transactions
- Transaction Details
- Adding a Batch
- Editing a Batch
- Renaming a Batch
- Closed Batches
- Xero Journals
- Reconciliation of Transactions
- How does infoodle handle credit card fees?
- Finance Reports
- Batch Reports
- People Finance Reports
- Bank Statement Import
- Lapsed Donors
- How to Handle Anonymous Donations
- Xero Tracking Categories
- Bank Accounts
- Statements
- Who Needs Statements?
- Generating Statements
- Statement Templates
- Adding a Receipt or Statement Template Design
- Editing a Receipt or Statement Template Design
- Adding a Receipt or Statement Template
- Donor Statement Personalisations
- Income Statement Personalisations
- Searching for a Receipt or Statement Template
- Editing a Receipt or Statement Template
- Deleting a Statement Template
- Bulk Updating Designs
- Receipts
- Checks Prior to Receipting
- When to Receipt?
- What Needs Receipting?
- Adding a One-off Receipt
- Generating Receipts
- Deleting a Receipt
- Adding a Receipt or Statement Template Design
- Editing a Receipt or Statement Template Design
- Adding a Receipt or Statement Template
- Searching for a Receipt or Statement Template
- Editing a Receipt or Statement Template
- Deleting a Receipt or Statement Template
- Receipt Template Examples
- Bulk Updating Designs
- Combining Receipts
- Emailing a Receipt
- Issuing Joint Receipts
- Printing to Envelope Setup
- Resending a Receipt
- Printed Receipts
- Pledges
- Account Codes
- Analysis Reports
- Campaign
- Finance with Xero
- Xero
- How to connect to Xero
- Contacts from Xero
- Accessing infoodle contacts from Xero
- Sync infoodle contacts with Xero
- Xero Schedule
- Line item description matching
- Send to Xero
- Unreconcile a transaction
- Creating an invoice in Xero from a form
- Xero Invoices & Payments
- Xero Tracking Categories Updated
- Xero Status
- Xero Quick Download
- What if I change a transaction in Xero?
- Gift Aid (UK only)
- Giving Numbers
- Memberships
- Payment Methods and Gateways
- Stock Items
- Searching for a Receipt or Statement Template
- Events
- Check-in
- Library
- Assets
- Reports
- Creating a Report
- Saving a Report
- VIDEO: Reports - From Basics to Advanced
- Report Categories
- Editing or Deleting a Report Template
- Searching for a Saved Report Criteria
- Printing a Report
- Attendance Reports
- Exporting a Report
- Reports Schedule
- Special Reports
- Create a backup of your data
- How do I find people who have not made a donation since a particular date?
- How do I find people who have made a donation over a certain amount?
- Why is my report blank?
- Rosters
- VIDEO: Rosters
- Full Roster
- Adding a Roster
- Editing a Roster
- Searching for a Roster
- Deleting a Roster
- Adding Positions to a Roster
- Adding People to a Roster
- Emailing Rosters
- Downloading a Roster
- Notes on Individuals
- Notes on Events
- Availability
- Checking Availability before making a Roster
- Group Settings
- Volunteer Link
- Creating a Full Roster
- Quick Roster
- Forms
- Form Auto-Approval
- Adding a Form
- Editing a Form
- Copying a Form
- Deleting a Form
- VIDEO: Forms Updated
- Form Fields
- About Form Fields
- Generic & Independent Fields
- Repeating People Block - adding multiple people to a form
- Form Page Break
- People Fields
- infoodle Unique ID
- Person Safe ID
- Household or Organisation Fields
- Group Fields
- Finance Fields
- Payment Fields
- Adding Recurring Payments to a Form
- File Upload
- Stock Items on Forms
- Form Settings
- Email Response
- Publishing a Form
- Reporting a Form
- Example Forms
- Processing Form Entries
- How to Process Contacts during Form Approval
- Process Financial Form Entries
- Trigger Workflows via Forms
- Payment History
- Adding Data to a Form - Advanced Usage
- Rocketspark
- Altering the Design of a Form - CSS & Javascript
- Adding GA4 Tracking Code
- Clusters
- infoodle App
- infoodle App - Admin Configuration
- Enabling the infoodle App
- Configuring Your Home Page
- App Security
- Left Hand Navigation Menu
- The Directory
- VIDEO: infoodle App Training
- Launch Your App
- Review New Registrations
- Adding an infoodle form to the App
- Adding a Youtube Live Stream
- Adding an EzyStream podcast series
- A​​dding a Youtube Video
- Adding a Link to the Bible
- infoodle App - Using the app
- infoodle App - Admin Configuration
- Phone Access to infoodle
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Frequently Asked Questions
- I have signed up, now what do I do?
- How do I send you my data?
- How does infoodle store my data?
- How do I create a backup of my data?
- How does infoodle help with GDPR?
- How do I give someone a login?
- How do I give limited access to an Online Directory?
- How do I embed the infoodle login in our website?
- Failed Logins
- How does infoodle send emails?
- How do I unsubscribe someone?
- How do I remove someone from a mailing list?
- How do I remove someone from the database?
- How do I get rid of task reminders?
- How do I manage non-members?
- How do I print PDF documents?
- How do I add multiple addresses?
- Keyboard Usage
- How do I connect for an online training or demo session?
- Is infoodle PCI compliant?
- How does infoodle handle credit card fees?
- How do I find lapsed donors?
- How do I deal with In Memorial gifts?
- How do I find people who have not made a donation since a particular date?
- How do I find people who have made a donation over a certain amount?
- Tracking of Vaccinations (COVID)
- Accessibility for the visually impaired
- Definitions
- Training Videos
- Full Training
- VIDEO: Introduction to infoodle: Basic Training
- VIDEO: Basic Administrators Training
- VIDEO: Groups - An In-Depth Training
- VIDEO: Email System Training
- VIDEO: Email Designer Training
- VIDEO: Email - Unsubscribe & Email Preferences
- VIDEO: Finance - Full Training
- VIDEO: Finance - Year End Receipting & Reporting Workshop
- VIDEO: Gift Aid
- VIDEO: Libraries, Files and Assets
- VIDEO: Live Event Manager Workshop
- VIDEO: Reports - From Basics to Advanced
- VIDEO: Rosters
- VIDEO: Forms Updated
- VIDEO: Contact Types and Custom Views
- VIDEO: Workflows
- VIDEO: infoodle App Training
- Quick Tips
- Full Training
After configuring your home page, you can now configure the left hand navigation menu.
On the top left of the apps home screen is a ‘burger’ menu. Clicking this reveals the left hand navigation menu.
This is an example menu:
The ‘connect to us’ is an item that has been created through the app administration area in infoodle. This can be any name and you can have as many of these as you wish.
Each of these menu items will take the user to a set of items that are configured in the same way, with the same options as the home page. See the home page on how to do that.
This is a great way of organising your content. For instance you can have a menu item for resources where you link to PDFs, you could have a set of videos for a series behind one. Links to tools you use and so many other options.
The last item ‘Contact Us’ is always at the end of the list and provides your contact details, also configurable in the administration area of your infoodle site.
Each of the items shown is optional, and there are up to 2 of each item available (except the name!).