Configuring Your Home Page
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Configuring Your Home Page

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Article Summary

Here is an example of a Home Page created through infoodle Administration:


The various items displayed, and their display order is managed through infoodle Administraion.

When setting up the the display options in Administration, it can be handy to have the App open on your mobile. Each time you make a change, refresh the display to view (typically by pulling the App screen down).

Each block is configured separately and can perform different functions. The logo and content are up to you - so get creative!

Getting Started

From the infoodle menu, select Administration then Phone App.

The following options are displayed:


Start with Home Page Items:

Select Add to add a new item.

Add a Homepage item

You are first asked for a Type.

There are currently nine different types available to you. These perform different functions for the user to interact with, each explained below.

Note that you can have as many of these as you wish, although for a home screen you may want to keep that a small number.

For more information see infoodle Tools.

If you are going to include the Calendar in the infoodle App, ensure that events you wish to be displayed in the App are visible.

If they are not being displayed, see the information in Adding an Event.

Display options

Having selected which type you want, you can now add on further configuration depending on what the type is.

1. Display As

Here you can choose how you want the items displayed. There are currently four options.

Always consider the fact that people look at this content using different sized devices, and in a different orientation e.g. an iPhone held vertically is different to one held horizontally. The infoodle app displays your content as best it can within those parameters.

1. Multiline Standard Text
This uses plain text (no styling is available) which applies over one or more lines.

This can be great to communicate a message for new users each time they open the app, or a way of describing a link.

2. Single Line Title Text
This uses plain text but in a larger, bolder font. It will only show on one line.

3. Image on a Card Background
This allows you to add an image of your choice, and will display it on a white background ‘card’.

This can be a nice presentation of your images.


4. Image with No Background
If you dont like the white card, you can opt to not use a card at all. This can be good for logos.


For information on adding more items, see Left-hand Navigation Menu.

2. Label.

The label is used to describe the link for the user to understand what it is, for example the “Weekly Calendar” is showing the label text.

This label is also used as a header for the pages the user is taken to when they click the link.

3. Access.

Every item shown to the user can be either shown or not shown to the user based on whether they are logged in or not. For instance, you may want to expose a document to only those who are logged in to your community.

Likewise, you may want content that is that is relevant to any public users that want to interact with your community.

Commonly you would have content that's available to all users regardless of whether they are logged in or not.

4. Content URL.

For items such as pdf files and web pages, you will want to take the user to some content. This is the place where you enter that content. For example you may have a pdf on your website that you want to have in the app, just paste in the link to that document here.

For pdf, you are able to upload the file directly to the Add File area so that infoodle will host it for you.

Here are some links to add specific types of content:

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