Setting up Codes for Finance
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Setting up Codes for Finance

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Article summary

Before getting started with infoodle you will need to review settings in infoodle to help make your finance recording more efficient and give you the ability to pull useful Analysis Reports.

For more detailed information on how to setup these all up then click on the links below or go back to Getting Started.

See below for details reletive to different parts of the Infoodle package.

CRM - Email Templates

If you are using infoodle to email your receipts then you will need to create email templates before you start to receipt. These templates can be specific to an account code, membership etc. This allows you to generate receipts and email them out for each of these items when you receive income for them. Each event can have its own template; likewise a recurring event can have a different template for each recurrence.

For more information on, see Email Templates.

Finance - Receipt Templates

If you are using infoodle to email or print receipts then you will need to create receipt templates before you start to receipt. These templates can be specific to an account code, membership etc. This allows you to generate receipts for each of these items when you receive income for them. Each event can have its own template; likewise a recurring event can have a different template for each recurrence.

For more information, see Adding a Receipt or Statement Template.

Finance - Account Codes

Account codes provide the basic element for storing transactions in infoodle. All types of transactions relate back to account codes. These codes should match with your accounting system (MYOB, xero, Quickbooks etc).

For more information, see Account Codes.

Finance - Stock

This allow you to record the amount of stock you have and where its located. Stock is reduced as transactions are recorded, or manually adjusted. If the reorder level is hit or passed then an email is sent to the nominated administrator of the item.

For more information, see Stock Items.

Finance - Members

You can store the types of memberships you have available, what period they relate to and what letters should be generated.

For more information, see Adding Membership codes.

Finance - Campaigns

A campaign brings together Membership, Stock, Events, Account code transactions.

For more information see, Campaign.

Finance - Events

An event is used for two purposes:

  1. To be able to identify ticket sales for an event. In time this will enable features that will allow you to purchase tickets online.

  2. To be able to receive donations for an event.

Both of these options are available on the ‘options’ tab when editing an event.

For additional information, see Events.

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