Form Auto-Approval
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Form Auto-Approval

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Article summary

Auto-Approval Setup Guide


This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the infoodle Forms auto-approval feature.


  • You have access to the form builder
  • Understanding of the auto-approval workflow and criteria

If you don't have access to both of these infoodle features, please contact your system administrator.


  • Access Forms - log in to your infoodle account and navigate to Forms
  • Select a Form - choose the form you want to configure for auto-approval.
  • Go to the Approval Tab - click on the "Approval" tab within the form builder.
  • Enable Auto-Approval - set the "Auto approve form entries where possible" option to "Yes."
  • Define Matching Criteria
    • Email Address: If you want to use the email address for matching, ensure the "Email" field is included in your form and is configured correctly.
    • Unique ID: If you have a unique ID field, specify it in the auto-approval settings.
    • Person Safe ID: If you use a person safe ID field, configure it accordingly.
    • Set Approval Actions:
    • No Match: Determine what should happen when no matching contact is found (e.g., create a new contact, run a workflow).
    • Exact Match: Specify actions for when an exact match is found (e.g., update contact information, run a workflow).
    • Multiple Matches: Decide how to handle cases where multiple matches are found (e.g., require manual approval).
  • Configure Workflows
    • Choose Workflows - select the workflows you want to run after a form is automatically approved.
    • Set Workflow Order - determine the order in which the workflows should be executed.
  • Save Changes - click the Save button to apply your auto-approval settings.

Additional Tips

  • Test Thoroughly - test your auto-approval configuration with different scenarios to ensure it works as expected.
  • Review and Update - egularly review your auto-approval settings to make sure they align with your current processes.
  • Consider Workflow Automation - explore the possibilities of automating tasks through workflows to further streamline your processes.


If your auto-approval is not working as expected:

  • Double-check your matching criteria and approval actions.
  • Verify that the required fields are included in your form and configured correctly.
  • Ensure that your workflows are set up properly.

Contact infoodle support for assistance if needed- either through the infoodle Help on the lower righthand side of the infoodle screen, or by sending an email through to:

By following these steps and considering the additional tips, you can effectively set up the auto-approval feature for your forms and improve your workflow efficiency.

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