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February 2025
When a the payment form for Stripe is shown to the donor, messaging related to the storage of tokens is included as per Stripes requirements. For one-off payments that are taken when the form is completed, this message is no longer displayed as we no longer store the token.
One-off payments that are in the future, or recurring payments will still show the message because we need to store the token to capture those payments.
We have added the ability for you to set the values of a multi-lookup field using a workflow. This means, when there is a multi-lookup look up field on a person or a household or organisation, an item within the lookup can be set.
Giving Number
When searching for contacts in various places in the system, you now have Giving Number available as a search option (based on your role). Previously it wasn't consistently showing. This has now been fixed so it is always available.
Gift Aid - Donor Statements (UK sites)
We have added some more personalisations to output more details regarding the gift aid on your Gift Aid statements.
{totals statement ga}
{totals lifetime ga}
{totals statement transactions}
{totals lifetime transactions}
these can be added together as needed
{totals statement ga transactions} to give the total for this statement of gift aid and transactions
{totals lifetime ga transactions} to give the total for lifetime of gift aid and transactions
We've also extended the {all items} merge tag which lists various fields of a transaction to include a combined Gift Aid and Transaction total e.g.
{all items date description amount gaclaimed amountandgaclaimed|Inc._GA}
Reports - More fields
For UK sites with Gift Aid, we have added two additional fields that can be output on the reports screen. These are in the Finance block and are totals for the contact listed.
For all sites, we have added the Bank Account Name for a transaction so you can see which bank account (if any) the transaction is connected to in infoodle.
Reports - Select fields
We've tweaked the layout of the reports Select fields tabs. Tthe label of the field can now be clicked to enable or disable the selection of the field, making it easier to select than clicking the tickbox specifically.
Published Calendar
If you have the Events module, the calendar can be published via the forms screen.
This screen has the option to select different timezones to display events and dates. This now defaults the page to the timezone of the user's browser. You can see this in action on our training page https://infoodle.com/training
Reports - Distance from selected location
For those sites for whom it is enabled, you have access to two new location criteria:
This allows you to pick a location, and then return a list of people whose address is within the specified distance. You can use Equals, Less than and Greater than in combination to get the range you are looking for. Note this is straight-line distances ("as the crow flies"), not driving distances.
Finance - Reconcile
infoodle tries to reconcile the transactions as they are presented to it, however there can often be the need to reconcile them manually. infoodle can identify most parameters and set defaults and looks to you to confirm them. You can now process these in bulk. When this option is available to you a button will appear, and once clicked will work through the remaining screen reconciling what it can including any new transactions auto loaded.
Note: this function is separate from Auto reconcile. If you want transactions for specific contacts to auto reconcile when future transactions are received, select the Auto reconcile option first, then select Reconcile All.
If you have the Events module but not the Finance module, we have now enabled the reporting of stock from the stock screen for you to analyse the stock sales.
Email - inbox
We now accept the m4a file type
January 2025
Calendar update
We have upgraded the Calendar features in infoodle to improve access to more features, and bring the design up to the modern look. Highlights include:
- Updated design of the calendar and list view screens
- Four new layouts of the data
- The Vertical Resource View is particularly helpful if you want to see the activity of locations you have booked separately.
- View in different time zones. This is on your events page, and also on the public calendar form.
- Day/Week/Month/Year view is honoured when using the < TODAY > navigation buttons
When including a To Do as part of a workflow, the workflow would pause once it was running waiting for the To Do to be completed. We have added a new option which means the workflow will not pause. This now means you can create several To Dos for different people at the same time. For example, when approving a form you may want three different tasks to be done by different people, each of which are not dependent on each other.
Previous updates available here.