What is the Dashboard?
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What is the Dashboard?

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Article summary

The Dashboard is displayed when you log into infoodle and whenever you select Dashboard from the Menu Bar.


It consists of three main areas:

  1. Your Dashboard
  2. The Menu Bar
  3. The Quick Access Bar

For details of the Menu Bar and the Quick Access Bar, see The infoodle Menu

Your Dashboard

This includes links for your profile:

  1. My Account. This links to settings that control your account such as username and passwords, working days etc.
  2. My Profile. This takes you to your own profile page which contains your name, address and other contact and custom fields along with the data you are able to see connected to your profile.
  3. Add Widgets. This provides the means for you to add more widgets on the screen - see further below.
  4. "Today is not one of your regular working days!". This shows you that according to your profile settings you do not normally work on these days. You can change these by clicking the link - which takes you to the My Account page.

Add widgets

If you have no widgets loaded you are offered the following screen

Clicking 'add your first widget' will launch the 'add widget' window to allow you to select one or more widgets to include.

Clicking 'Go to My Profile' changes the setting for your login so that next time you login you will go directly to your own profile page.


The Dashboard presents information in areas or boxes we call Widgets. The different types of widgets include: recently Added People, recent Notes, your To-Do list, Birthdays coming up, and many other items.

For the full list, see Widgets.

You can add widgets, edit how they're displayed or rearrange their positioning, or delete them.

Any changes that are made to your Dashboard are personal to you and do not affect anyone else that logs onto infoodle.

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