Glossary of Technical Terms
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Glossary of Technical Terms

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Word / PhraseMeaningLayman's translationFurther information
2FA (2 Factor Authentication)An additional security layer requiring two forms of identification before granting accessNeeding both a password and a code provided from an app on your mobile, to provide additional security when logging in.Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
AlgorithmA finite sequence of mathematically rigorous instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computationIt’s a set of rules that a computer follows to solve a problem or complete a task.
API (Application Programming Interface)A set of rules that allows different software applications to communicate with each otherIt’s the method by which different programs talk to each other.
Audit TrailA security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, event, or device.A date and time-stamped record of the history of activities, to-dos, and details.
ClusterA group of related items or data points in a system, often used for organisation.In infoodle, Clusters provide a way to control user access to contacts.Clusters
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)Software used to manage and analyse customer interactions and data throughout their lifecycle.It’s a system that helps businesses keep track of their customers and communications.
CSS code (Cascading Style Sheets)Code that controls the visual appearance of a website, such as colours and fonts.The code that defines the appearance of the site.
CSV file (Comma-Separated Values)A simple file format used to store tabular data, where each line is a data record.It’s a type of spreadsheet saved as text, where columns are divided by commas.
DashboardAn information management tool that receives data from a linked database to provide data visualisations.An overview of the data you need, that is visually presented in one place.Dashboard
Data Import ToolA tool used to bring external data into a system, often from spreadsheets or other databases.It’s a feature that helps you upload and add new data.Import Data
DNS (Domain Name System)The system that translates domain names into IP addresses.It’s the system that finds the correct location of a website on the internet.
DomainThe main address used to access a website.It’s the name of a website, like
FieldsAreas in a form or database where specific pieces of information are entered or stored.It’s the spaces where you input information so you know what you need to know about people.
FirewallA security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.It’s a protective barrier that blocks unauthorized access to a network.
Form LogicRules applied to forms that determine how they behave based on user input.It’s settings that make a form respond differently depending on what you enter.Form Page Break
GA Tracking Code (Google Analytics)A analytics service that helps measure traffic and engagement across various platforms via HTML code.Using Google Analytics, it records important information about your site so you can see link clicks, page visits, and more.Adding GA4 Tracking Code
Giving NumberA unique identifier assigned to individuals or households within a database for tracking donations.It’s a specific number assigned to donors for tracking their contributions.Giving Numbers
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)The standard language used to create and structure content on the web.It’s the code that structures content on a webpage.
IMAP (Internet Messaging Access Protocol)An internet standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve email messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection.IMAP provides a shared mailbox for your email messages, syncing messages with the mail server, which is especially helpful if you check your email on multiple devices.
IntegrationThe process of connecting various types of software sub-systems, typically through their APIs, to create a unified single system for data analysis, and providing real-time updates.Bringing together one or more systems allowing information to be shared between the connected systems.
IP AddressA unique string of numbers identifying each device connected to a network.It’s the number assigned to your device when it’s connected to the internet.
JavaScriptAn object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.The code used to create and control website content that changes on the screen without having to refresh the page.Adding JavaScript (Forms)
MalwareSoftware designed to harm or exploit any programmable device or network.It’s harmful software that can infect and damage your computer or steal information.
Merge TagsPlaceholders in emails or documents that are automatically replaced with personalised information.They are automatic fillers that personalise documents or message.Email Merge Tags
Navigation TreeA hierarchical structure that shows the arrangement of pages or items in a system.It’s the outline or map that shows how different parts of a website are connected.
Payment GatewayAn intermediary online service between a merchant and the financial institution processing the payment, that allows businesses and individuals to accept payment from customers through their websites or mobile applications.A technology used to accept online purchases and donations for processing.Payment Methods and Set Up
TicketA record or document used to track support requests or issues in a system.It’s a file that logs a problem or request for help.
UI (User Interface)Software that is designed to allow a computer user to interact with the operating system of a machine or system.The point at which a human user interacts with a computer, website or application.
WidgetAn application, or a component of an interface, that enables a user to perform a function or access a service.A mini app that displays a small amount of information on screen at all times.Widgets
WorkflowThe sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.Workflows show what tasks are to do, when they get done, and who is responsible for them.Workflows

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