Adding a Giving Number
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Adding a Giving Number

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Article Summary

Giving Numbers are used in infoodle as a way to combine (or split) receipts between different people. They can also be used to receive donations anonymously that are attributed to individuals (sometimes called Blind Giving).


You are able to generate a list first to check the current numbers to ensure that you do not use the same number twice. See Searching for a Giving number.

These are the places where you can add a Giving Number:

  1. When you add a new person to infoodle (see instructions below), or
  2. In the Giving Number section of Finance (see instructions below),
  3. By getting infoodle to automatically add a Giving Number when adding any new person to infoodle. This is set in the Administration / System / Giving Number page. For details on this, see Giving Number Settings.

To add a giving number when adding a person to infoodle:

When adding a new person to infoodle you can either manually add a number or autocreate a new Giving Number by clicking on the Get next number button alongside the Giving Number field.


You need to have permission in your role to edit Giving Numbers.

Adding a Giving Number in the Finance section:

  1. To manually assign a Giving Number click on Finance then Giving Numbers.

  2. Search and select the person that you wish to assign a number to.


  1. Enter the Giving Number that you wish to use in the box, Enter the giving number to use for the selected people.

If you use Xero and tell infoodle that the Giving Number equates to Xeros account number field, this must be a unique number that is not currently being used otherwise Xero will see this as a duplicate. infoodle, however, can share Giving Numbers between people to bring their finances together.

  1. The other option to adding a Giving Number is to automatically assign the next available number. To do this make sure you have searched for and selected a person profile. Click GET NEXT AVAILABLE NUMBER.

  2. To add the same Giving Number to multiple individuals then make sure that the correct people are selected with a tick in the Use selected giving number box. This combining mechanism only works for people in the same household (or organisation).

  3. Ensure that the correct person(s) is selected.

  4. Choose whether you want to combine the transactions into a single receipt or split them equally.

  5. Click UPDATE to save the changes.


infoodle stores individuals details and when you enter transactions they are assigned to an individual. If you wish to combine finances from people in the same household, you need to ensure they share Giving Numbers. You can then choose to generate a receipt either to the individual, or in the household (or organisations) name. If you wish to issue a combined receipt to both in the household, you need to ensure that their individual personal profiles are combined. Combine them by selecting the same option for both individuals from the Marital Status drop down within their personal profile. That is,both individuals need to have the same option selected as this indicates to infoodle that they can be combined.

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