Editing a Giving Number
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Editing a Giving Number

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Article Summary

Here is how to edit a Giving Number:

  1. On the main navigation menu, select Finance.

  2. Select Giving Numbers.


  1. Search for the person by typing in the first few letters of their name in the search box (see note below). As you type, infoodle will search and show a list of possible matches. If a match is found, highlight and click to select the one you want..

  2. In order to ensure that the new number you wish to assign is not already being used by another individual then go to Searching for a Giving number to generate a list of existing Giving numbers.

  3. The current Giving Number will be displayed in the box. To edit this manually simply type in the new unique number that you wish to assign to this individual. If the number is already being used by another individual then infoodle will warn you and not allow you to update.

  4. You also have the option of assigning an automatically generated number by clicking in the USE NEXT AVAILABLE NUMBER button.

  5. Click UPDATE.


You can search by a number of fields depending on what information you have available. Click on the Person search options to select an alternative field to search by.

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