Form settings
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Form settings

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Article Summary

Now that you've built your form the next step is to select the Form Settings tab and set the associated options. These determine, for example, what the form looks like, and what happens when the user has submitted the form.

Work through the Form Settings options using the information below to help guide you.

1. Description


Form Description - You can add some text notes about this form. It can remind you why you created it etc.

Additional CSS code - For those of you who are more technical, you can use this field to create CSS to further add styling to this form.

For more information on using CSS see CSS Code Advanced

Submit Button text - if you want to add a Submit button type in the text you want to appear.

Reset Button text - similarly, if you want to add a Reset button type in the text you want to appear.

Include reCAPTCHA? - select if you want to include a reCAPTCHA tick box.


2. When is this form available?

You must set the status to Active so the form once published will be accessible. A form that is not active cannot be completed.

Also you can optionally specify dates when the form is active by using the start and/or end dates.

Form Start and end.png

The End Date is the day that the form will be made inactive, and no new entries will possible on or after that date.

3. After form is completed - notify

Person and/or Group - You may choose to email a copy of the information to a person and/or group. Select them here. If you don't choose anyone, no emails are sent.

Just notify - If this field is ticked then none of the form data is included in the email notification which provides added security. This is not ticked by default. The notification email sent to the admin users includes the Entry ID in the subject.

The first notify email, and the email sent to the user are connected to the form entry. This way when reviewing the form entry, the emails themselves can be reviewed by clicking on the links as highlighted in the example below


4. ...and respond to the user with this email

Selecting this link will take you to the Email Response screen. From here you will be able to personalise the email response sent to the person completing the form. For more information on email response see Email Response.

5. After the form is completed

Once the user clicks Submit you can choose what happens next. You have two options:

  1. Show a message to the user - Most often a simple message saying Thanks, we will be in touch is sufficient.

  2. Take the user to a web page - alternaitvely you can create a web page that you want to take the user to, or you could create another infoodle form. Either way, you place the entire URL (page address) including the http:// etc. into the area provided.

    Additionally, you can have the page the user is sent to, become the entire page or continue to show it embedded on the page. This will replace the embedded part of the page only.


6. Who can process the completed forms

This is optional. Once a form is completed, the data is held in a holding area from where you can review and export the data.

You need to have Manage Forms permission in your role.

Processing forms results in the collected data being added into your infoodle database e.g. creating new people, adding people to groups etc.

You can give other people permission for this in their role.

When complete select the Save Form button.


To review your form at any stage click the Build Form button which will take you back to the screen where you can make changes by clicking on the pencil icons.

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