Helping you to help others
Learn about how to configure and customise infoodle to fit your specific needs
Training Videos to get you up-and-running with infoodle quickly and confidently
Everything relating to managing of your People and Organisation Contact Files
Group contacts together when they have something in common to better Manage, Report, and Communicate
Communicating with your Contacts effectively is incredibly important!
Money! Managing of your Donations, Receipting, Statements, and Reporting
What can you do with all the data you have? With Reports, you can ask a question, and get an answer
Forms allow people to Register for Events, Make Donations, Update Contact Details, Give Feedback etc
Use the infoodle App in your hand, for internal use or community use
Manage Calendars, Locations and events
How to integrate other applications with your infoodle site
Record attendance using dedicated check in system with label printing and reports
Configure your personal dashboard in infoodle to focus on what you need
Organise your volunteers, teams and staff according to their skills or available times
Centralise storage and tracking of digital and physical items